Adobe Spark Page and Post – No More Boring Slide Shows Part 2

Last time we looked at using Adobe Spark Video to create clean but interesting slides shows that included the student’s voice.  Today we are going to look at using alternatives to slide shows. There are other ways students can share what they know in a creative manner. We will look at the other 2 parts of Adobe Spark, Page and Post. As I stated in last post, Adobe Spark is free and can be logged in with your Jefferson County Google account. You can also use it on desktops, Chromebooks, and with an app on iPads.

Let’s start with Page. Page allows students to tell web stories through a webpage to show their learning. They choose a theme, backgrounds, and insert their text. They share the “page” by sharing the link or they can embed into a site. Students can use what they created in Spark Video and Post as well. It is just a click and type program that can create beautiful projects. Students spend more time on the learning and giving information instead of all their time on design and learning the program.

Here is an example of a quick page I created.

Using Adobe Page

Post is also a great way to make quick posters/pictures of information while using those design elements that are such an important soft skill for students to have. Students can make posters, social media sized pictures, and even slides for their Google Slides or Adobe Spark Videos. Below I made a slide that I could use. I used their theme and search for pictures inside of Adobe for the background. They did the hard part – making it look pleasing to the eye – for me.


Adobe Spark Video – No More Boring Slideshows!

Have you ever had a student create a slideshow? Usually they have too many words on a page and crazy color schemes. Many of our students have trouble putting what they know into words, but they are able to tell us about it verbally or with pictures. Adobe Spark Video is perfect for allowing them to use their voice as well as short sentences and pictures to show their learning.

Here is an example of a slide show I created in less than 20 minutes.

The website, has many examples of ways people have used the program. There are 3 parts to the program, Spark Page, Spark Post, and Spark Video. All of these can be done on a desktop, chromebook, or by adding the app on an iPad. The accounts are free and can log in with your account. Students can easily share a link or download the finished video when done.

Next post, I will be bringing to you more information about Page and Post.

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